The Mifos Initiative

Mifos Android Client: Create a short demo video on how to use the android app


Your task is to create a short demo video which explains to a user how to use the app.


You will have to first build the app from the GitHub repository. After this, to create the video you have to take a screencast of the app.

The video should cover all the features present in the app including the ones that were added recently. You can find a sample here. The sample video was created by a GCI participant in the previous year.

You can use any video editing software of your choice.

After making the video, upload it on YouTube and send us the link as a reply to this task.


You can find the user guide here.

The latest features that were added to the app can be found here.

This StackOverflow post explains how to build an android project by importing it from GitHub.

Need help?

If you need help, you can ask any question as a reply to this task or you can post your question to our developer mailing list or ask in our chatroom. Asking questions in public forums is encouraged.

Task tags

  • video-editing
  • mobile
  • android
  • video

Students who completed this task

punwai, rg, bl6

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training