The Terasology Foundation

Report a new bug/crash

Report a new bug/crash

As much as we try to avoid that, Terasology does have some bugs in it, all software does. If you find a bug in Terasology or a module then this is the task for you! Post it onto the relevant issue tracker or update an existing issue.

Use the search to see if it's already been reported. If it has then add some extra detail or open a new issue if it hasn't been found yet.

Note: Your bug/crash must be a new one, or add something substantial to an existing one. Please use the search option to try and find an existing issue and/or ask a mentor before submitting this task

Acceptance Criteria

  • A new comment onto an Issue on a module that provides some useful information about the bug.
  • A new Issue detailing the bug or crash that happened and providing useful info. Screenshots and logs are good things to include.

Where to Start

Task tags

  • Terasology
  • testing
  • java
  • bugfix

Students who completed this task

nailorcn, HannahG, Torpedo, BSA

Task type

  • done_all Quality Assurance