APPLESEED integration: Make 'art' respect the image and view specification (task #12)

This is the final milestone where you make sure the image and view specification from opt.c (e.g., the azimuth, elevation, twist, size/scale, view matrix, etc.) are used by 'art' when setting up the appleseed view. You can probably use the same code rt uses to determine the image and view settings, but then set up the corresponding specification in art for appleseed. You'll need to make sure that Z remains pointing up (and that it's using a right-hand orientation). Perspective and orthogonal views would be nice, but getting either working is acceptable.

SUBMIT your code updates that make art shoot the same image as rt.

Task tags

  • rendering
  • appleseed
  • c/c++
  • view

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code