Submit BRL-CAD or LibreCAD improvements as a Github pull request

THIS TASK IS ONLY FOR THOSE THAT HAVE MADE A CHANGE TO A BRL-CAD OR LIBRECAD GIT REPOSITORY. That is, don't make some minor change just so you can claim this task. Pull requests you make to your own repo or some other project's repo also don't count.

Much open source infrastructure such as BRL-CAD's main website and online geometry viewer projects and LibreCAD's main repository use Git and Github to host the code. The easiest way to review and integrate changes is via "pull request". It takes a little time the first time to get familiarized, set up with Github, and to actually provide a pull request. So this task lets you get credit for that first time work (i.e., you only get to claim this task once).

If you were asked to submit your work as a pull request by a mentor because you developed some code changes, fixed a bug, or implemented something significant, then this task is for you! To get started on this task, create a Github account if you do not have one already. Then read up on pull requests:

Last but not least, follow the steps for creating a pull request, make your changes, and send your pull request TO THE BRL-CAD or LIBRECAD repository, not to your own fork.

SUBMIT a link to your pull request.

Task tags

  • pull request
  • git
  • code change
  • github

Students who completed this task

LeoVish, Sahil Garg, Yashvi_Codes, jimmy_page, Alex*, Chiranjiv S Malhi, stringyuniverse

Task type

  • code Code