MetaBrainz Foundation

Make a tutorial video/screencast for how to add a book to BookBrainz (HARD!)

Make a video targeted for uploading to the MetaBrainz YouTube channel that goes through a standard workflow of adding a book (a novel by a single author) to BookBrainz. Refer to the help page F.A.Q. for a short description of the steps required. This should not just show, for example, how to add a work, but how to create and link together the different entities that compose "a book". The video should not include the sign-up process.

If you want to try out BookBrainz to get used to the workflow without fear of adding incorrect data, you can use

The video should be 10 minutes long at most (the shorter the sweeter). You should write down your script and share it with the mentor before doing the video itself.

Be sure to read the "Making videos" guide for what steps are expected to be done during this task.

The video should be made available for use by the MetaBrainz Foundation under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license, so make sure you're not using assets (e.g., music) that are not compatible with this license. If assets you're using require you to use another Creative Commons license that might also be acceptable—discuss this with the mentors.

NOTE: This is a difficult and time consuming task. Don’t expect to do this in one go and do expect to spend several days of work on this task and have multiple iterations.

Task tags

  • video making
  • bookbrainz
  • youtube
  • books
  • no code

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research