MetaBrainz Foundation

Allow whipper's debug command to look up information based on Release MBID

From the issue:

"whipper has a command for helping to find out what's going on with MusicBrainz release data called whipper debug musicbrainzngs ([…]). This currently takes a Disc ID as its one argument.

Sometimes you already know the specific Release you want but maybe still get wonky data in whipper, so the obvious thing to do would be look up what data whipper actually receives from MusicBrainz. The debug musicbrainzngs command would be the obvious way to do this, I think."

The task will be to allow a user to specify a MusicBrainz release (identifier) and show/print (in a sensible manner) the data from MusicBrainz as whipper receives it.

Task tags

  • whipper
  • python

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code