MetaBrainz Foundation

Add a new book to BookBrainz and provide feedback about your experience

For this task, we'd like you to add one book to BookBrainz that isn't already in the database. (A duplicate will not be counted.)

Read the description "How do I add a book?" in the help page FAQ. You will need to create and link three entities: an Author (if it doesn't exist yet), a Work and an Edition. You will need to understand what these entities are and how they relate, so read the help page carefully before you start editing.

It is important that you have the best quality possible, and we expect you to search for as much information as you can. Try to fill in every bit of information on the form! Don't forget to add as many identifiers as you can find, searching for each identifier for every entity. They help us link with other websites to compare and improve data quality.

To complete the task: paste the URLs of the entities you've added on the GCI site, and write a couple of sentences on what could be made better about the instructions, sign up and editing processes to help us improve the BookBrainz website.

To become an editor of BookBrainz, you will first need to sign up: click the "Sign Up / Register" button to make a new BookBrainz account, creating a new MusicBrainz account if you don't have one.

If the Author already exists, try to check and complete their information and add identifiers (VIAF, ISNI, Wikidata ID, Librarything ID, MusicBrainz ID…) if any are missing.

Note: Please follow the English Capitalization Guidelines if entering books written in English.

Task tags

  • no code
  • bookbrainz
  • data entry

Students who completed this task

Ruxandra, Nnisarg Gada, eva_h03, ABCbum, Diana11, Taylor L., Nethula Peiris, Ntarun2803, Ubaid ullah, name removed, RiaR, Morlik, Eclipsed Solstice, Dhruv_colossus, Antara, aaPle, HITESH, Skipson, Shubham2607, Ariadna, RyanWolf, jbs1, Soumya, CODEin_JDB, Bota Razvan, Coder44, JediKnightRevan, Subodh, Chiefgavz, Riverdale, Rishikesh, Ludicrous, eileeny, Monica1012, peanutcat

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research