JBoss Community

Create a JBoss OutReach Android App - Stage III

For each repository, except the previously created list of contributors, add "podium" to distinguish top 3 contributors. You can get some inspiration from this picture: https://d1nhio0ox7pgb.cloudfront.net/_img/g_collection_png/standard/512x512/podium.png

Make it match the theme of your application.

Submission Requirement: -> Pull request to the app. -> Video/Gif to show your work

Task tags

  • xml
  • android
  • java

Students who completed this task

titanMx, Baftek, Michael, Maier Ilya, Saba Khukhunashvili, Raghav Awasthi, crowded.geek, yannismate, oussema, Sai Vittal B

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design
  • done_all Quality Assurance