JBoss Community

Create a JBoss OutReach Android App - Stage I

You are required to create an android app to represent JBossOutreach Organization.

App Requirement:

  • An activity to show the list of Repositories under JBossOutreach Organization.
  • Make Network calls (preferably using any Libraries like OkHttp) to obtain real-time data from the given links.
  • Perform JSON parsing to inflate the listview with data.
  • Make use of your own Custom list views to list the repositories.

Useful Links:


  • Link to your Github Repository containing the project.
  • A simple README containing the library/libraries used in the project.
  • Screen record your app and upload it to youtube
  • Add link to youtube video in the comments in task page and in the readme.

Task tags

  • android
  • api
  • java
  • github

Students who completed this task

pranav, Cooder, SunnyV, oussema, Baftek, Michael, Saba Khukhunashvili, Raghav Awasthi, RMTheOne, crowded.geek

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design