JBoss Community

A Create Contact Widget ( 2 ) - Lead Management Android

You are required to create a widget for the Lead Management Android app that helps the users to view the recent contacts.


  • Use a simple list view or recycler view to display the list of recent contacts.
  • Make it follow Material Design Guidelines.

This is a continuation of the task Create a Contact Widget ( 1 ) - Lead Management Android


  • The submission has to done by creating a Pull Request to the Lead Management Repository
  • Attach link to Pull request here
  • Attach screenshots showing your widget in the PR description.
  • Make sure to follow Contribution Guidelines.

5 instances are being created for this task. Only one will be merged but if work is good enough, the task will be accepted even if not merged.

Task tags

  • widgets
  • design
  • android
  • java

Students who completed this task

pranav, Baftek, Michael, Maier Ilya, Saba Khukhunashvili, crowded.geek, yannismate, Sai Vittal B

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design