[easy] Learn python & django by creating your own blog!

This task will help you to become familiar with Python and Django so you will then be able to complete more complex tasks.

The volunteers of the Django Girls community have written an incredibly great Python and Django tutorial, open it and do the following:

  • take the time to read it thoroughly and understand all its aspect
  • complete all the steps of the tutorial, then please send the following:
    • URL of the resulting work
    • one ore more screen shots with the result of each completed section of the tutorial

Next step : Learn to create a RESTful API with python & django!

Task tags

  • django

Students who completed this task

Janvi, dbk, SHAFIN, Ethranwar, THUNDER, Nico aditya, cking, IsMan, DRajon, Shailesh, ch3ls3a, BDEhrman, Alomot, Sehajpreet, Stellar Fox, EdgeKing810, Anya, rohanssrao, Ionut_123, giannigiov, Reza Juliandri, ritz363, ToMmyDong, Shreeniket, Anirudh Prabhakaran, Wane Nwani, Shaikh Muhammad, yash_ar, Ashreen, Rajat, Krzysztof, A.G Gandhi, Himanshu, maksi069, Rishabh, PM, Bikalpa, pratham1812, Duban, Dark314, shreyasv, Pritish Jain, Tarsh, Brady, Vinayak_1871, CSY, kawuka, Jerry Mahajan, nafanwin, MCodes4joy, ostrum, Skazzi, thespectecledimp, Artem1, RUI, Anas, blurryface, sb8623, Titan, sikfeng, Sephorah, Krow, Amarudin tri fadhillah, Isabel, Aldi Nugraha, SiDzej, Kyka Alvi, Mihir, Alexander, afin_10

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training