JBoss Community

Introduction to JBoss Community.

Understand how open source community works. Register yourself in the mailing lists, Gitter channel(s) and drop an official introduction message mentioning your interests, projects you have undertaken so far and what projects you would be working on.

Join the following Gitter channels:

Drop an introduction message only in the main gitter channel ie. - JBossOutreach/GCI and just join the other ones. Useful Links:



  • Screenshot of your message in the gitter chat

Next Steps: Test run all the projects linked with the JBoss Community.

Task tags

  • community building
  • intro
  • outreach

Students who completed this task

Aryaman Chopra, Smit Rambhia, T.upendra teja, naveen kumar reddy, Kedarnath Nagardone, Guneet Sasan, dolphingirl, DevGupta15, diksha gupta, Rasagnath, Sushmanth Teja, qk313, repoman20, sriramdasavage, Shashank Kuripati, k.ramalokesh reddy, Arun, Sashakt keshri, Vansh Singla, Hemanth Kumar Reddy, Adrian2901, Sarthak Agarwal, Girish Reddy, ant15, khadeer, Baftek, Meedivemula Taruni, Goutham Somala, Prasanna, pranavsuri, Dev Gupta, Abhinay, Somya, Ram Likhith Reddy, HARISH GTR, Harshithreddy, RagavRohit, Rohith Kumar, Alaskan, Nandan MD, Visheshc, Yatin, jessreestar, Vishnu Vardhan, Gabriel Lee, shanmukha sai, Sidhya Tikku, ramalokeshwarreddy, D Akhil582, Sami Shaik, Mahammad Sami, Bgo318, Mahendra Babu, jayakanth, Tavleen Kaur, a.ravikumar, Rounaq Moin, nateschnitzer, Douglas007, NishSatish, RMTheOne, dharka03, Abhay Kumar, rahulyadav, Ashwanth Kumar, Meedivemula Viswas, @saksham, Arek123113

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research

