
Help another Student to Create a Game with Pocket Code

Every day users request help with their projects on different channels. It’s important for a vital open source community to handle such requests and help users/contributors. The main channels of communication therefore are our mailing list and the new chat channels on Discord. Join one of these channels and help another user to create together a great project!

Success criteria: Another user creates and then uploads a challenging and awesome Catrobat game with Pocket Code to our sharing site, after you help him or her to achieve it. The user must initially be a total newbie, and there should be many interactions between you and the newbie on the mailing list/web forum where you successfully and gently guide the user without solving the problems yourself.

Additionally create a shared Google doc (allowing comments for anyone with the link) linking to all your posts/channels and the resulting project uploaded by the other person to our sharing site, also available through, including the texts and images in the posts. Also include any other information that might help us evaluate your work related to this task. Structure that document so that it is easily understandable.

Find the Mailing List on:!forum/pocketcode Find the Chat on:

Task tags

  • support
  • community

Students who completed this task

Łukasz Ameljan

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research