
Create your own Space Shooter

The Galaxy is in turmoil and only you can save it!

Create a classic space shooter game with one player space ship (at the bottom of the screen, only horizontal movement) and enemy space ships, that are coming from the top of the screen towards the bottom.

Your game should consist: 1) Start Scene with instructions

2)a) Game Scene. The player space ship should move with the inclination of the device (only horizontal movement should be allowed). b) Enemy space ships should fly from the top to the bottom with randomized pathways. c) The player space ship should be able to shoot the enemy ships. d) Include a score. e) If an enemy space ship touches the player space ship the game should end.

3) Game Over Scene. Show the score of the game and add an replay button.

For the space ships you could use objects of the Pocket Code Media Library. Be creative (maybe add sounds or a short story).

Students who completed this task

Jayanth, Surya Pratap Singh, Dragonnoodle, MiteshG007

Task type

  • code Code