
Create an augmented reality app!

Create a game or app that uses your camera function for augmented reality. Be creative and use this feature in a meaningful way together with other features of Pocket Code (e.g.: face recognition, inclination sensors, GPS etc.).

Do not use abbreviations in your program, and structure it clearly. Upload your program to Catrobat’s sharing platform.

Create a screen recording video showing how to use your app and what features it has. Before doing the screen recording, turn on the option in the developer’s option on your phone that allows to see touch positions on the screen. If your app uses some of the sensors of your phone, e.g., the inclination sensors, also add a sequence in your video that shows this from an outside perspective (you will need a second person or a webcam for that part of the recording). At the end of your video, explain the main feature of your app and any difficulties you ran into while programming it.

Use your mother tongue throughout the video. Your video may have visually appealing intro and end sequences created with Pocket Code. Publish your video on YouTube using an appropriate title and a good description in your mother tongue. Add English language captions to your video through YouTube’s interface for adding captions.

Task tags

  • visual programming
  • augmented reality
  • app creation

Students who completed this task

Soumitra Shewale, PMS

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design