
Create an Image Slider

Create a program in Pocket Code that allows you to easily slide through different predefined images on your smartphone.

Your app should already have some images included (at least 5). You can show the next image after a predefined time interval or with an explicit command (after the last image, the next should be the first one, allowing you to continuously go through the provided images).

Be creative and choose how to interact with it (for example you can use inclination sensors, UI buttons done via sprites and so on). You can also provide a preview slider and opening the image in a full size view with a specific command. You have total freedom to extend your project, as long as you follow these rules: 1) include an introductory screen (in English AND in your mother tongue) that helps the user to understand the commands available. 2) Do not use abbreviations in your program, and structure it clearly. 3) Use English language to document your code and choose the name of variables that are meaningful for an English reader. 4) Upload your program to Catrobat’s sharing platform. 5) If the idea behind your image slider is based on an existing tool/program, please mention the url of the original tool/program in the description of your program. Please report also the source of images and cite their licence (if needed)

IMPORTANT: Pay attention not to use photographs of real people as images in your program.

Task tags

  • visual programming
  • app creation
  • creative commons
  • graphics

Students who completed this task

MateuszKomajda, Martina Hanusova, Surya Pratap Singh, Daivik G, PMS

Task type

  • code Code