Design a square organization logo
Our current logo ( is an oval that embeds in a rectangular bounding box. We could use a nice square variant of our current logo of at least 300x300 px. You can omit the TM symbol. The RTEMS part should remain legible at 64x64. Fonts you use must be freely available. Familiarity with a graphics design package like Gimp, Photoshop, Inkscape, or Illustrator are useful for completing this task. Gimp and Inkscape are open source (and free).
You MUST have attention to detail to complete this task. Aliasing artifacts and fuzzy scaled images will not be acceptable. This logo would be used for GCI and GSoC, and would also make a better logo for square presentations such as on GitHub. Logo design tips are in abundance around the web such as these 65 tips and these 7 tips.
Submit a preview of your design in PNG format, your original artwork files in the native format of the design tool you use, and a vector format (e.g., SVG, EPS).