Introduction to Open Source Communication and Markdown
In Open Source everyone is volunteer and they reside in all parts of the world! In this task, you will learn how Open Source volunteers effectively communicate with each other.
For communication between open source developers, the most popular platforms are open source IRC, Gitter, Mattermost, Zulip and commercial Slack and Telegram. In addition, Slack prohibits use by minors, and deletes old discussions on the 'free' plan.
coala uses all of the open source communication platforms, but our mentoring for Google Code-in is in Zulip.
In this task: -
- First, create an account on GitHub .
- We even have a guide for that, and we have built tools to help you find a great username & avatar : . It is recommended that you read this even if you already have a GitHub account.
- Join the coala Zulip.
- Use the "Log in with GitHub" option.
- Post a message to Zulip and it must include:
- some Markdown syntax. Here is an awesome guide to master markdown.
- your global awesome user name in the following format:
[User name](GitHub profile link)
- One or more of the mentors will reply. Next have a meaningful discussion with the mentors about what types of skills you want to learn during Google Code-in, and which tasks you are interested in doing. The mentors will make suggestions based on your interests and any prior experience you have.
Task tags
Students who completed this task
SaiCyo, samuelpiltch, kan-uki, Yashas, Randy, Dunken Master, Bluetimer, hewhewmatthew, Arnav, sigmaV64