OpenLayers and GeoServer: Write a basic tutorial for creating a web map application that displays a WMS layer

For this task, you need to write a tutorial (step-by-step instructions) that can be used by school learners to teach them how to use GeoServer and display a WMS layer with OpenLayers.

You will need to install GeoServer and load a new layer. Use any open data file (e.g. from your cities open data portal or the World Bank portal) for this task. Then implement a basic web map with OpenLayers and display the GeoServer layer as a Web Map Service (WMS). When you submit this task, you need to submit the following: Screenshot of your GeoServer list of layer preview showing the layer you loaded. Screenshot of your WMS layer shown on the web map. In both screenshots, open the terminal and type your name in it.

Lastly, the PDF document with the tutorial including screenshots of the process. Here is two links that might be helpful: http://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/user/gettingstarted/shapefile-quickstart/index.html and http://openlayers.org/en/latest/examples/wms-image.html

Task tags

  • wms
  • openlayers
  • web services
  • tutorial
  • geoserver

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research