Digital Impact Alliance

Mifos - Create a New Year's Greeting Card/Banner for Mifos Initiative

This task involves designing a greeting card and/or banner for Mifos, wishing happy holidays (holidays in general, Christmas, Kwanza, Diwali, Hanukkah, etc)

Make it look good, something you'd be proud to show to family and friends. We'd love to be able to use this in our email banners that we send out this year and on social media so please include multiple sizes of your design. The ideal size for banners is 600 to 700 pixels wide and 100-200 pixels high. For instagram, dimensions should be 1080x1080. For facebook, 1200x630.

Submit your artwork in both .jpg and .png format and please include the native file (.ai, .psd, or .eps) file format.

Mifos logos can be found at

Also, append your name to the submitted file here,, so that we know who did the work.

Task tags

  • social media
  • mifos
  • design
  • outreach
  • marketing

Students who completed this task

Rizwan Babar, mitchLui, Abhi Kulshrestha, Xandria, mbanan

Task type

  • web Design
  • assessment Outreach / Research