Digital Impact Alliance

LibreHealth: Create a promotional poster for LibreHealth

This is where you can let your creativity go wild! Make a poster for LibreHealth that promotes our projects. Your poster should mention all of our projects. Currently, there are three: LibreHealth Toolkit, LibreHealth EHR, and LibreHealth Radiology. You must talk about the history of LibreHealth, as well as the history of all projects.

If you need help, be sure to post your question to our forums or ask in our chatroom for Google Code-In.

This must be original work and must be in your own words. Any assets you use must be Creative Commons and attributed(give credit to the original author) accordingly. at the bottom of your poster, or be your own original work.

Task tags

  • Radiology
  • once-per-student
  • EHR
  • Toolkit
  • librehealth

Students who completed this task

Freyam, Abhi Kulshrestha, jk60

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research