
DestSol - Set up a local workspace and run Destination Sol from source

To get started working with Destination Sol you'll need to have the game's engine repository up and running in a local workspace. This is a fairly easy task to start off with, and an integral prerequisite for some of the more challenging ones!

Definition of 'Done'

  • You've managed to install an IDE like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse and run the game from the IDE. (We recommend IntelliJ iDEA as it is better configured for DestSol's codebase, unless you are particularly comfortable with eclipse)
  • A screenshot of the game running and of the IDE (With your display name included somewhere in the screenshot, something like a notepad window beside the running game instance).
  • Bonus: Try to make a change of anything that makes a visible difference, like changing the caption on a label, and show that in the screenshot

Where to start

See also Once you're done with this, check out the Make your own faction task chain.

Students who completed this task

AnishK, MyName, gelatinmoth, NicholasBatesNZ, panda, Netheraxe, DAI, Graviton, Xun Xu, ChubbyPanda, BSA, Adrijaned, Civan Dogan, ContronThePanda, sohil, Hridyanshu, AndyTechGuy, SahilG, four_4, G4m3r3k, dontstopmeow, Pendi

Task type

  • code Code

