
DestSol - Make your own faction! - Part 3: Add a capital ship and projectiles

Destination Sol allows the user to create their own factions, each faction consisting of ships, weapons, projectiles and bases. This task chain guides the student through the process of creating their own faction!

There are 4 basic sizes of ships in DestSol - small, medium, large and capital, in addition to the base that they spawn in. The player usually starts in a small ship, and works their way up to large ships. In addition, there are different weapons and projectiles as well. Ideally, all of the assets provided by a single module follow the same overall theme.

This task focuses on the capital ship, and projectiles.

Definition of 'Done'

  • Add a ship (texture, icon and config), a spawnConfig (config) to access it and a projectile (texture and config) to your module. Create a repo under your own account, and send us the link.
  • Attach a screenshot of the ship firing the projectile in-game as proof of your work.
  • Attach a screenshot of the collision mesh of the ship that you made in Box2D-Editor (or whichever tool you prefer).

Where to start

See also

Task tags

  • content
  • json
  • java
  • creative

Students who completed this task

RatMoleRat, Pendi, sohil, MyName, MK, Graviton, gelatinmoth, Phoenix909, Torpedo, BSA, Netheraxe

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design