
DestSol - Add support for animated sprites

Destination Sol does not support an easy way to animated sprites at the moment. This task involves writing a new SpriteManager class, that can be used everywhere.

Definition of 'Done'

  • Create a new SpriteManager class, and PR the changes to the DestSol repo.

Where to start

  • Have a look at LibGDX and what kind of support it has for animated sprites.
  • Explore the codebase, and see how you can either use AtlasRegion in the sprites, or convert the codebase from AtlasRegion to something else.
  • Hop onto irc/Discord for more details:

Note that this is an advance level task, and should be taken up only after some experience with other Destionation Sol tasks.

Task tags

  • rendering
  • animation
  • ui
  • texturing
  • destsol

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code