
Replay Test: Removing Dirt

Replay Test: Removing Dirt

With the new Record and Replay (R&R) feature we can now record a game using the Core module and then use that recording to test the game.

This task is to use R&R as well as TestReplayModule to record a game using the Core module, in which the player breaks two Dirt blocks, the first one with his hand and the second one with a shovel, then the test checks if the initial block type has changed after the replay.

Definition of 'Done'

  • A Pull Request to TestReplayModule's newSerialization branch with a Replay Test that executes a replay in which the player breaks two Dirt blocks (with hand and a shovel) then asserts the block's initial and final type. To make the recording, use Terasology's "newSerialization" branch instead of the "develop" branch.

Where to start

See also

Task tags

  • testing
  • record and replay

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • done_all Quality Assurance