
GooKeeper: Design New Purchasable

Because of how modular and super-hackable Terasology is, we have had a lot of interesting gameplay modules pop up over the years. One of our newest gameplay modules is GooKeeper, a SlimeRancher-esque gamemode where players have to capture gooeys and build a zoo to make a living.

A key aspect of GooKeeper is the economy system: players get money (ingame, of course) from visitors visiting the zoo. A natural question to ask is "What can the players do with money?". Currently, the answer would be "nothing". That's where you come in. Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to design a new item/structure that players will be able to purchase in GooKeeper.

Definition of 'Done'

  • An issue has been submitted to the GooKeeper repository describing your new item. Your writeup should include the name of the item, what it would do, and why players would want to buy it (how will it be useful for them).

Where to start

  • Join our IRC or Discord to chat about potential ideas.
  • Here's an example idea: vending machines where visitors can buy stuff (more money!)

Task tags

  • terasology
  • design
  • gookeeper

Students who completed this task

Xun Xu, Phoenix909, DAI, MK, Adrijaned

Task type

  • web Design
  • assessment Outreach / Research