
Find and fix some Checkstyle issues

Find and fix some Checkstyle issues

Checkstyle is an automated tool that helps programmers write cleaner Java code by creating reports about code style violations. Terasology has a few small Checkstyle violations that are usually easy to fix but can sometimes be left unfixed for quite a while. Your task is to help us find and fix these violations.

Definition of Done

  • A pull request which reduces the amount of open Checkstyle issues by 15 or more is submitted to the Terasology engine repo.
    • No changes to the code logic should be made (besides the changes required to fix a Checkstyle issue) and no new checkstyle issues should be introduced (d'oh!)

Where to start?

Prepare your workspace or even run the game from source before starting!

There are two ways to obtain a list of Checkstyle issues:

Use the command ./gradlew checkstyleMain to generate a checkstyle report for each project, then open Terasology/engine/build/reports/checkstyle/main.html. Use the CheckStyle-IDEA plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and run Checkstyle for all projects. From the list of found issues, move to the reported file & line in your workspace and fix the Checkstyle issue!

Note: This is a multi-instance task - other students can pick it too and might end up fixing the same reports. Take a look at pending PRs in the engine repo before submitting yours; if another student has already fixed some issues in the same classes as you, you may need to change what you're fixing or wait till the earlier work is merged, then adjust what you're adding.

Task tags

  • code stlye
  • errors
  • java
  • checkstyle

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code
  • done_all Quality Assurance

