
Improve world generation tutorial: biomes

Our world generation tutorial has been one of the most well-used community resources, however it could be improved with some chapter additions/overhauls.

This tasks aims to add details on how biomes are or could be used in world generation, as well as providing a small set of examples in code. There is no great centralized information on biomes yet so this will be a bit of a from-scratch documenting process with some code detective work and experimenting included.

  • At present the Core worlds (like faceted perlin) use a general biome approach that covers whole areas and within them specific features suitable for the biome appears
  • Some other worlds like Throughout the Ages use more advanced biome features, including the ClimateConditions and Seasons modules
  • There is support for but no current users of a biome-per-block system

Definition of 'Done'

  • Pull request to the tutorial repo with updated code samples
  • Links to new pages created or updated in the wiki
  • Screenshots of new example world generators highlighting biome-based features

Where to start

  • Read through a variety of biome-based material. Examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Create a general overview page of biomes in the wiki, potentially with sub-pages covering the individual options
    • Try to make some simple code examples to illustrate each option
  • Add a new chapter on applying biomes to the current lineup teaching the basic concepts (pick just one example to cover in brief, use other pages for details)

Task tags

  • wiki
  • biomes
  • worldgen
  • tutorial
  • procedural

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research