
Find, Build, Test and Fix Up a Hidden Gem Application on HaikuArchives (3)

Pick any application hosted on HaikuArchives that has no or few open issues, perhaps a simple or no readme and give it some attention.


There are 350 or so apps hosted on HaikuArchives. Some of these haven't seen any attention since being moved to HaikuArchives. For this task, locate one of these hidden gems, build/compile it. Test it out. Perhaps update the readme.md file for it, add a screenshot. Give it a work out. Identify problem areas and suggest improvements, etc. These suggestions should be turned into new issues or updates to existing issues. See if you can uncover a hidden gem that hasn't been seen in awhile and help bring it to life. Does it have a Haikuporter recipe yet? Are there .proj files and rsrc files? Import the .proj files using Paladin and export a makefile. Use the rc command to turn that rsrc file into an rdef file. (https://www.haiku-os.org/documents/dev/compile_them_resources/). Does it have a LICENSE file in the root?

Results from this task may vary depending on the application you pick. We'd like to see the readme fixed up, perhaps with a more up to date in-action screenshot, fixed up build system, such as converting proj files to makefiles, etc. New and/or updated open issues. File changes should be submitted as a pull request. Make a pull request to the associated repository on github so your changes are integrated.

Submit url to your pull request(s) and one to the issues list for the app you picked.

Task tags

  • rdef
  • makefile
  • c++

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code