Research: Help us extend CCExtractor by adding support to the TV in your country
Does your local TV stations have subtitles? Supported by CCExtractor? If not: We want to! Don't care how small your country is, popularity of your language. Nothing matter to us - if they have subtitles we must support them. We'll work with you to produce samples that the team can use to figure this out.
Your job: Send us a report that contains 1) The TV standard using in your country (don't tell us your country so that we can find out - it is your job to do the research) 2) Describe how the signal comes to your TV. Is it an aerial antenna, is it satellite, is it cable? 3) Digital or analog? 4) Does the outside cable go straight to the TV or is there something between the cable and the TV such as a receiver? 5) Do you have any way to make a recording of that signal? If not because you don't have a recording device, find out if there's one that can do it. Send us the exact model (make sure you do proper research, don't guess - if needed email the company that makes it and ask them questions) 6) Ask your parents (this is really important) if they would allow you to help us by recording some local TV and write their answer in the report.
NOTE: If your parents say no then it's no, but that doesn't affect the result of this task, you say in your report "My parents don't want me to do this (or I don't want to do it)" and that's totally fine.
NOTE 2: Don't send us videos from youtube or any other streaming platform. We can't use them. We can only work with real recordings.