Liquid Galaxy project

Very important LAST TASK 3: Make a personal post about your GCI experience for our new community site LiquidGalaxy.EU

This task is for students that have approved more than 10 tasks.

You've made plenty of tasks, and you're proud of your work, and we're too !!! We want you to write a personal post that will be posted in the new community site LiquidGalaxy.EU as personal experience in GCI. You can too send a portrait photo if you want to appear in the collaborator team section of the new site, as appreciation for your effort. Think that you'll be able to link this on your resume as GCI experience, and this is great for your career.

The post has to include:

  • A personal point of view of the experience you've had in GCI, impression on the tasks you have develop, the ones more easy, the ones more complicated, and the ones you enjoyed most. If you previously have develop task about your GCI 2018 experience in a video, tell us the link and we'll post it too.

  • You have to talk about a minimum of 5 approved tasks, but we really want as much as you want, easy or hard, where you send us the links to the task and make a brief 3 paragraphs maximum explaining each task. If the task included a video, send us the link and we'll include it.

We reserve our right to choose what posts will be published, and the editing we think is correct for posting. Sending us this post you give us permission to publish in our various community sites.

Delivery is:

  • Shared Drive document with permissions, and PDF.
  • Send email and post here
  • Optional portrait photo

Task tags

  • post

Students who completed this task

CaptainNemo, Sahanj Jose, PauMAVA, Jakub Szczepaniak, Krzysztof, Somya, jon_snow, Avinash, SachinR

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training