Create an installation script for LGxVoiceControl
Before starting this task, please complete the “Integrate Google Assistant with Liquid Galaxy” task. This is a follow up to that task, so it is necessary to complete that one first.
Task description
The installation of LGxVoiceControl can be broken up into four sections:
- Setting up Dialogflow
- Setting up the Firebase Database
- Dialogflow and Firebase Fulfillment
- Linux Installation
This task focuses only on the Linux Installation. The Linux Installation can also be broken up into 4 parts:
- Setting up Firebase CLI
- Download Google Earth
- Editing Google Earth
- Controlling Google Earth
Currently, when the user installs LGxVoiceControl, they must type in all the commands. Your task is to write an installation script to automate the command on Linux. Your script must execute the commands for all four steps on the Linux Installations.
Resources (The same one you used on the follow-up task) GitHub repository containing the instructions to create the action:
Task delivery
- Send us the script to 2.Also include a readme, containing instructions on running your script. In the readme, also talk about the contents of your script, essentially just say what you are doing in your script.
- In addition to emailing the link, also send it on the Google Code-in dashboard for mentor review and approval.
As bonus, for mentors recognizement, send a youtube video showing of the installation.