Liquid Galaxy project

Design a poster of Liquid Galaxy

Design at least one poster DIN A3 size for the Liquid Galaxy project. Develop them using the vector graphics Inkscape, so the designs can be resized easily if we have to scale them. Don't include copyrighted content. Use open-source software and media.
Inkscape is a free and open-source vector graphics editor.

Main LG logo is here:

Send the Inkscape file and a screenshot in .png of the poster to our address.
Publish it too in the selected task of your Google Code-in dashboar for mentor review and approval.

Task tags

  • poster
  • liquid galaxy
  • inkscape

Students who completed this task

CaptainNemo, Piotr Bieniek, 4VY, shreya3745, Yuhan L, Ath@rva4718, Jakub Szczepaniak, Manit Anand, Somya, Krzysztof

Task type

  • web Design