Liquid Galaxy project

Create a Minimalist Landing Page to explain the Liquid Galaxy

Create a Minimalist Landing Page, HTML and optional CSS and JS, plus a few LG photos, to explain the Liquid Galaxy Project to the future collaborators, developers, Google Code-in and Google Summer of Code students. We have a website for the project (, but we are looking for another website in landing page format to explain the project . We can use in the future years, to show the project with some user cases of the tasks performed by other students and developers.

Send the HTML file and photos unzipped to our address.
Publish it too in the selected task of your Google Code-in dashboard for mentor review and approval.

Task tags

  • landing page
  • html
  • liquid galaxy

Students who completed this task

Legominds, ArnavDNayar, Lahoax, anshuman

Task type

  • web Design

