Liquid Galaxy project

Super Social super TOP TEN task: HAPIS project: Android task, create a simple questionaire

The HAPIS project will be all about helping people. Imagine that many homeless and low incoming people have trouble to get his daily food, clothes or a job. now, with the Liquid Galaxy project and our new application, users could locate this persons, see their life stories and help them.

You can find the description of the HAPIS application and our initial Moqup into the links below:

Task is dual and to be used into the "I NEED HELP" part of HAPIS:

  • Research: and think for at least 15 questions you'll ask to the needed person, having the common answers if a selectable menu plus a "Other" to be filled up by typping.
  • Program: a questionnaire in Android, so we can know if this person really needs help. You have to create the questionnaire and save all the answers into a local Android database. The application should also generate a pie statictics chart when filled up with several forms.

Delivery is:

  • Record a 2 minute .mp4 video with your IDE and Android emulation running to shows up how your apps does the job.
  • Send us the .apk file and the android code (rename to .ap for gmail antivirus filter).

All simultaneously to our address, and Code-in dashboard for mentor review and approval.

Task tags

  • android
  • questionnaire
  • hapis

Students who completed this task

Somya, jon_snow, SachinR, Krzysztof

Task type

  • code Code