Liquid Galaxy project

Find a name for our new "Liquid Galaxy Social Care" project

We are thinking on a new project that will serve to help homeless people, codename " "Liquid Galaxy Social Care". We will develop an Android application that can be used with the Liquid Galaxy project to locate homeless people and help them. The application will include a database with those persons who need help.The users that want to help those people, could find them in the Liquid Galaxy system, see their history of life and their needs, so that they can help with food, clothes, lodging or a job.

Your task is to find a name for this new application, to maybe replace our codename "Liquid Galaxy Social Care" and write a minimum of two pages (font size no larger than 16!!!) explaining why do you choose this name and also include at least 3 new functionality ideas to be included.

Send us a pdf file to our email address. Publish it too in the selected task of your Google Code-in dashboard for mentor review and approval.

Task tags

  • social care
  • liquid galaxy
  • documentation

Students who completed this task

PauMAVA, CaptainNemo, Priyansh Gupta, Ashreen, gaytri, Noor Hasan Shaik, Manit Anand, Fabricengoran, Iman, Najlah

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research