Liquid Galaxy project

Create a 3d model for the AIY Voice kit

Create a 3d model to be 3d printed of a new box for the AIY Voice kit from Google. We're developing Google Assistant control for Liquid Galaxy, and we plan to use it around. Please, study the materials from Google AIY voice kit and create a 3d deign of it (instead of carboard and smaller) it has to be funny, coloured, and practical for use in schools by kids. Make a few screenshot from different angles and send them too. Send the .obj and .stl files our address.
Publish it too in the selected task of your Google Code-in dashboard for mentor review and approval.

Task tags

  • 3d
  • aiy voice kit
  • liquid galaxy
  • google assistant

Students who completed this task

RichardB, canales2002

Task type

  • web Design