
Video Tutorial - Backing up a PostgreSQL instance

Create a video tutorial that fulfills the purpose of explaining how to back up and restore a PostgreSQL instance using any one of the following backup methods:

  • pgBackRest
  • pg_dump
  • pg_basebackup
  • pgBarman
  • wal-e
  • wal-g

It should be around 5-15 minutes in length, where the process is clearly documented showing the steps you're taking in the terminal. Include in the description of the video which version of PostgreSQL on what operating system is being used. In the video itself, explain in which situations that backup tool you're working with would be best suited.

Task tags

  • sql
  • video
  • tutorial
  • database

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research

