
Postgres Gallery: Bugfix: Homepage fixes

We are trying to create a gallery of interesting uses of SQL that most people don't readily know. The repository for this gallery is located here:

For this task, you will need to fix a bug in our gallery.

Currently, the homepage is structured around blog posts, which is not ideal for what we are trying to pursue here.

Here are the improvements you will need to make on the code base in order to mark this issue as solved:

1) Remove the hero photo, and replace with something explaining what the purpose of the website is. 2) Instead of showing the generated short excerpt on the home page, only show the titles of the examples.

Check the README file in the Postgres Gallery repository on how to add a entry into the gallery, and submit a pull request on GitHub to complete this task.

To complete this task, submit a pull request fixing this issue.

Task tags

  • website
  • html
  • hugo
  • css
  • github

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code