Fedora Project

Blog post about data analysis setup using Python on Fedora

Python libraries like Pandas, Matplotlib, Jupyter, JupyterHub is widely used for data analysis.


  1. You must try this in a Fedora installation and add the screenshots.
  2. You must not submit plagiarized content (no copy-paste). Always make sure the content is your own.


Verify and write a blog post about to install and run common tools like pandas, matplotlib, jupyter, jupyterhub on Fedora. Run sample programs to verify the installation. You can also include instructions to create a python virtualenv / Pipenv and install packages in it.


  • Create a blog post and share it with amitosh@fedoraproject.org
  • The post can be a Google Docs document, a Word document or a Github Gist written in markdown.

Task tags

  • python
  • blog
  • data analytics

Students who completed this task

Kev Heavy

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training