The IoT model.
Smart Phone. Smart Television. Smart Home. Smart Farm. Smart etc.... Isn't it easy to make everything smart?
Hello!! young developers. In this task, you have to monitor the environmental condition and based on which change the speed of a motor. You have to also make a dashboard for the same. The dashboard must include: A graphical representation of the following : Temperature vs Time; Humidity vs Time; Maximum and minimum value of temperature, humidity, and intensity of light along with the time (that is on which date and time this occurred).
Graph can be on different planes or on same plane;
Graph need not to be real time;
You have to make only the website (Not Phone or Desktop Application).
In this task, you have to change the speed of a DC motor based on the temperature; then send the data of humidity, temperature, and intensity of light to your server; and then store this data on your Database (Database can be of your choice) along with the time.
In order to make the dashboard, you can use a web template. Since, the idea is not to judge based on the design, so the design won't matter for Approval of the task. But, creativity is always appreciated.
Deliverable: Sketch (code) of the device; Code of your server; Code of your website; Screen shot of your database; Screen shot of your Serial Monitor/Terminal; Photo of your constructed circuit;