Website: Create a personal portfolio site using GitHub Pages and open source web standards and technologies
Create a personal portfolio website using open source technologies.
The goal of this task is to enable students to work on web projects on GitHub and showcase their understanding of web standards and technologies.
Find online resources on HTML and CSS and learn about web standards and how to use web technologies
Create a website hosted on GitHub Pages
Include an image
Your website should be using HTML and CSS. Each section should contain one or more hyperlinks (e.g. to a project website of an Open Source project you like, FOSSASIA, Google Code-in , etc.)
- Posted a link to your site and GitHub repo in the comments here
Website, html, gh-pages, css, github
Task tags
Students who completed this task
ang, Saarthak Chaturvedi, FRONTND.BM, ycwei982, Venkatesh, Ammar, kunalbhatia, Akshit Goyal, Chee Hian, Nithika, Dzumaratin Damar, raisilham, jhedman, Sahil S, Pranay Chaplot, Nishith, dxa_kly, Pabisovsky, JosuaSPane, Brian Su, tw, Ubermade, ryan10145, Newe, Aditim, DaniCode, vishalx360, jan.pabisiak, meg, Makotek, Ezra Lazuardy, DarthVader, awesome_coder, ariban900, Parth Pandya, KanarekLife, Vicku, Rasagnath, Jyotiraditya, Zachary Will Sy, Jacooob, Joel Leo, mikolajhojda, Hồ Đức Hiếu, AppleCat, Rifki Pasaribu, kamiltokarski, shreesh, Supun_TE, Pavel Kosilo, Nitesh Kumar, Sid, MrFatoni, Luffy, arcsaber, Ashwanth Kumar, Yash Garg, Kartik Singhal