Meilix-systemlock: let travis build a debian package of the component


The goal of this task is to increase the interest in meilix and debian packaging and to teach the student how to work on an issue and how to generate pull request.

PROJECT LINK FOSSASIA Meilix-systemlock Repository


To work on an issue in meilix-systemlock: clone the FOSSASIA Meilix-systemlock Repository and generate a pull request for that issue. You should also have a close look at the meilix-artwork package where we already build debian packages with travis-ci.


  • You discuss your steps in the channel of meilix (
  • We are able generate ("debuild") debian packages from the files in the repository
  • .travis.yml is configured so that any change in the repository triggers a new build of the package
  • pull request(s) to make that happen are reviewed and accepted

Task tags

  • python
  • git
  • html
  • css
  • debian packaging

Students who completed this task

Supun_TE, Ammar, ryan10145

Task type

  • code Code