Website: Add a FOSSASIA mentor photo and credentials in the mentor section of the FOSSASIA GCI Website


We have put up a website on We want to develop a nice website with pictures of all mentors and students of Google Code-In. Please add the picture and credentials of a mentor to the site in the mentor section. You can see the list of mentors in the issue tracker.


  • If you have not yet done so, sign up for GitHub, and add your info into our form here.
  • Fork the Website repository and make it run on your own repository with Github Pages (more info here
  • Add the photo of a mentor in the images folder (Use the right dimensions with a ratio 1:1, 240x240 max).
  • Also include your credentials (blog link, GitHub username, Twitter, Facebook - what you like)
  • Do the necessary code changes
  • Make a pull request to merge changes to the repository
  • Learn how to execute a script in the Chrome browser: Go to the FOSSASIA Star Me Repository, copy the script in the repo and paste it into the developer console of your browser. Then execute it until it is finished. A detailed step by step guide is in the of the project.


  • photo of mentor in mentors section on website
  • merged pull request with photo and personal links on the site and matching the design


Website, html, css, javascript

Students who completed this task

Saarthak Chaturvedi, Nitesh Kumar, Akshit Goyal, Sid, Sahil S, SitaramanS, Nishith, ariban900, pandeyarjun, rahul1803, Vishnu Vardhan, Rasagnath, Rahul Arora, Gaurang, AppleCat, shreesh, Jeewal Kunwar, Supun_TE, Kartik Singhal, arcsaber, Ashwanth Kumar, Shizerq

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design