Labyrinth: Add a New Feature

The FOSSASIA Labyrinth allows you to contribute parts to a huge labyrinth. We can add new features to the labyrinth which improve the game.


  • Create an issue to discuss a new feature (Points System, Leaderboard, Multiplayer options and etc.). These are different aspects which you can cover:
    • Why this is needed, why it improves the game
    • What is needed to implement it
    • How you propose an implementation
  • Get feedback from one maintainer (it is labeled as new feature) or two other participants (they say this feature is good for the game).
  • Create at least one pull request to create the feature.
  • If other people collaborate with you, this is a sign the issue is descriptive.

Expected outcome:

  • The issue is tagged as new feature and resolved.
  • The issue is resolved.
  • There is at least one pull request by you which substantially helps resolve the issue.


  • You can use techniques like pair programming or collaborate together on branches of your forks. You can attribute a pull-request also to other people who helped you out or submit a pull-request where you and an other person contributed together.
  • You can join our chat on gitter if you get stuck to get help or just hang out and have a nice time with others.

Task tags

  • labyrinth
  • svg
  • html
  • css
  • js

Students who completed this task

arcsaber, AppleCat, Saarthak Chaturvedi, ryan10145, Supun_TE, Sahil S, Yash Verma

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design