Learn how to Execute the FOSSASIA Star Me Project in the Browser Developer Console and Connect with Projects


The goal of this task is to connect students with FOSSASIA projects, teach students how to access the developer console in a browser and enable them to execute a script in the browser.


1) Learn how to execute a script in the browser: Go to the FOSSASIA Star Me Repository, copy the script in the repo and paste it into the developer console of your browser. Then execute it until it is finished (depending on Internet speed about 30 minutes). A detailed step by step guide is in the of the project. 2) Post the link to your GitHub page i.e. which shows the number of stars. Please note that screenshot of successful running of script will not be accepted.


You understand how to execute a script in the developer console and have successfully done it using the Star Me project script.

Task tags

  • git
  • browser

Students who completed this task

malika singh, jessreestar, Nithika, sai sreyas, JY, Heightz, Girish Reddy, Gray Fullbuster, akandi6, Portatolova, Flash, John Johnson, chirayu, kaiiii, artofthelong, raisilham, Wen Min, Rochan, Ten Hunt, qwsss, T.upendra teja, keerthi, ArtemTin, nguyenanh1485, Dylan141203, tw, S.Manipal Reddy, EnRico, Shiva ji, ycwei982, NICHOLAZ, Tempestorm, keerthireddy, Rounaq Moin, Siddesh G. Mysore, Nyx.kzy, Mary Huynh, Anne Phan, GY kundan kaarthik, venkateshwar reddy, ankitha, Vulcan101, AppleCat, yeohyuyong, vishalx360, avix the marvel, jayakanth, james, MissyPhantomPie, shreesh, millertzt, Lim Yu Wei, SHUBHAM, Xuân Minh, scientist, chromees, Tan Wen Kai, Tan, Maneesh, Percy04, Zoe, Isabella Frost, Harshithreddy, Kedarnath Nagardone, wellingden, Nivi, Mahesh, Zhang Yuhe, nezziedq, vedha, Hoang Linh, erika, Shashank Kuripati, Nghi Hua, ehhh, Jeewal Kunwar, Hwee Lynn, Nishith, saif, Sahil S, Vikram, ariban900, Zi Qi, Yash15, PhuongHoangDai, khadeer, Shreeniket, rahul1803, azra.ska, D.lahari, Le Phuong Trung, tadasirun, akshithkumarreddy, zuccalucca, SitaramanS, MAKKALA YUREKHA, reixile, Sanket Mohapatra, Randy Bui Minh Lac, ihwk, Sujal, wm, vijayakumari, xiao du, Joie, Yong Jun Lim, Deep Rushil, Asta Teo, Truong Quoc Binh, rahulyadav, shanmukha sai, Shubham2607, Loh jun kai, Arun Kumar, mikolajhojda, Teju, Enisa, zaheer, Spidey, Manohar Reddy .Y, Qiang Jiayuan, K.venkat reddy, Idle, Anmol Singh, Supun_TE, kr0zer0, Jiang Xinyue, Dude Coder, asifsadek, Chloe Chua, Haider, Dayitva, Stingrayz, Amabel, 04444, Byte.2, Ajay Kumar Reddy, Pyroshark42, Samrat, dhs-biyu, Khadeer1, Chryse Starr, Sushmanth Teja, Krishang, Isaac, Pranay Chaplot, KarolMazur, Divyansh, arjun1311, venktata karthik, dxa_kly, Nic2203, sanjay, adithya, DonNguyenNgo, D Akhil582, ryan10145, Alyssa, ltxhuy, CDautermann, nganhvu, Abhinay, H.N.Agnihotri, manjunath royal, Don Chia, MAKKALA SRI SAI MURARI, BrightStriker, Ammar, Rohith Kumar, dishaax6strings, Mahammad Sami, Delarthin, sophie ding, Mr.Stark, Jeewita, wendytqd, cv karthik, vincepham234, Roy Tay, B.harsha vardhan reddy, BrownYogy, reddy mama, Jack H, Goutham Somala, Rahul Arora, ramalokeshwarreddy, anOrca, Doanhdoanh, Sami Shaik, Gaurang, Ezra Lazuardy, muthyam, Mahendra Babu, Abhishek Gupta, XLR8, dmg, a.ravikumar, Ngô Hồng Phúc, Ram Likhith Reddy, Arun Ambrose, somapuram uday, KT, Brock lesner, gabby, Kuba, zezi, Keyute, tiffany hoang, ang, Saarthak Chaturvedi, kart, Zdy, Jenny Le, sikfeng, Nitesh Kumar, Akshit Goyal, TomLe, dianad03, Soma_WA, Thinker Pal, k.ramalokesh reddy, shanawaaz, naveen kumar reddy, pratham1812, TruckWheels, Valley, Kkunwar, P.Shaiksha Vali, Jake, NoloriOnica, Sid, Harshit26, 71e6fd52, byte.1, reddymani, Swaroop, phamvocuong, Vicku, enigmatic_fluffcat, Mohit Patil, Hitesh avulasetty, Hứa Tiến Thành, nmtan2001, gowtham gupta, JARVIS, ItsMeKimi, Hemanth Kumar Reddy, Hardik Sethi, pandeyarjun, karthik, ashleynguyen051103, greenw0lf, S.Siva Siddartha Reddy, Le Nhu Ngoc, MorningCoral, T.E.Spoorthy, preetham yadav, Roman, Matthew Lim, Khadeer066, Vishnu Vardhan, Nazeer basha, your full name, Rasagnath, jaispratham0110, Danil Shaymurzin, Raj Kishore, codes, Joel Leo, Crazy, Lea Tran, Sparrow, HarryNoob, maitreyee_03, qkjh, FUNS21, Chee Hian, nakssharma, S.MD.Sameer, Jeslyn, Chen1x, Xu Xicheng, elaine, Jingwen, KhanhMomo, Duy Dn, arcsaber, Ashwanth Kumar, Jordan Ng, chinnareddy, lil_bisht

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training