Labyrinth: Create a Wall

The FOSSASIA Labyrinth allows you to contribute parts to a huge labyrinth. As most of the tiles have the same walls and with same walls in every tile the game will look monotonous, please add more walls!


  • Download and install Inkscape from
  • Create a wall for the Labyrinth maze
  • Add your wall to labyrinth/tiles/rooms/wall
  • A merged pull request
  • Do not just color an existing wall: make it beautiful! Plants, cracks, animations, trees and mountains can be a wall, too, as long as you can not walk through it.

    Expected outcome:

  • Added at least one wall
  • The created wall must be a part of the labyrinth maze
  • Issues based on the created PR must be resolved


  • You can start with an existing wall or tile to get the placing and the dimensions.
  • You can join our chat on gitter if you get stuck to get help or just hang out and have a nice time with others.

Task tags

  • labyrinth
  • svg
  • html
  • css
  • js

Students who completed this task

mikolajhojda, ariban900, AppleCat, Saarthak Chaturvedi, ryan10145, Fabi1123, Supun_TE, Akshit Goyal, arcsaber, AirWolfXD, Rahul Arora, Sahil S, Shizerq

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design
  • done_all Quality Assurance