PSLab: What can you do with PSLab Android Multimeter

Find out you can do with a Pocket Science Lab Multimeter


  • You need an Android phone for this task
  • Download PSLab App
  • Check out Multimeter instrument from your phone
  • Understand what is a Multimeter by checking out Wikipedia, your school book or any basic electronics course material that is available online.
  • Write an experiment for the PSLab Multimeter. A experiment could be in a simplified form (bullet points are welcomed) covering two parts: 1) What is the goal of the experiment? (i.e. What can I find out or learn from this experiment) 2) The steps and parts used for the experiments
  • Tip: you are welcome to ask for help from you school teachers.

You can use other instruments together with Multimeter in the experiment. It would be great if you add an app review to the app store.


  • Upload your write-up in a Google Docs and share the link here


Task tags

  • doc
  • electronics
  • pslab
  • research

Students who completed this task

ariban900, shreesh, Akshit Goyal, Supun_TE, Kunal2004, Sahil S, Ashwanth Kumar, Joel Leo

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research