KDE Community

[KDE Connect] Extend SharePlugin's DBus interface to allow sharing text

KDE Connect is an open-source application which provides integration for your phone and your desktop, such as allowing you to use your phone as a wireless trackpad and presentation remote, or for replying to incoming text messages from your computer.

KDE Connect allows sharing text from the phone to the desktop, but not vice versa or from desktop to desktop. The internal plumbing is available, it just needs an interface to do so. As a first step the DBus Interface for sharing needs to be extended. Once implemented this will be the base for more tasks.

You might want to make sure you can build KDE Connect first. There is a task for it! https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/4772341729984512/

Task tags

  • kde connect
  • c++

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code