KDE Community

KDE Connect: Make messaging app text entry field multi-line, scrollable, and wrapping

KDE Connect is an open-source application which provides integration for your phone and your desktop, such as allowing you to use your phone as a wireless trackpad and presentation remote, or for replying to incoming text messages from your computer.

KDE Connect is working on releasing an integrated SMS messaging app. Help build to this new and exciting feature!

The text entry field is currently stuck at being only a single, non-wrapping line. This makes it very inconvenient to send longer messages. It would be nice if it could:

  • Wrap text if a line is longer than can fit on the screen
  • Grow taller as more lines are written
  • Stop growing taller after "a certain" height

Wrapping text could be as easy as changing the TextField to a TextArea (https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qt5-5.9/qml-qtquick-controls2-textarea.html) and setting wrapMode. At that point, the TextArea will have an unbounded height. That is when the task gets interesting!

There might be a better solution than TextArea. Don't let my limited imagination control your work!

The file of interest is smsapp/qml/ConversationDisplay.qml

Task tags

  • kde connect
  • sms
  • qml
  • c++

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code